News: October 2014
Michael Pedersen gave a key note speech and facilitated a workshop on good governance in sport in the context of the 2014 South African Sport and Recreation Conference (SASReCon), organized by the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa. The conference, which took place on 6-8 October 2014, brought together approx. 200 thought leaders and sport leaders at North West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa. Based on the theme "20 Years of Democracy: Sport as a Catalyst for Change", the conference focused on how academics, practitioners and business can help the South African government in implementing and achieving its National Sport and Recreation Plan at all spheres of government and across the country.
While appreciating the significant progress made in South African sport already, Michael Pedersen made the case in his key note speech that further modernizing governance standards and management practices will be an important prerequisite for effectively and efficiently implementing South Africa’s ambitious National Sport and Recreation Plan. Building on an international perspective and a holistic and strategic approach to sport governance, he offered his views on what it will take to raise governance standards in South African sport to a best in practice, leadership level. In his highly interactive workshop, approx. 50 SASReCon participants worked with peers from across disciplines to further develop their thinking on governance standards and management practices in South African sport. While doing so, they also developed perspectives on ways of effectively and efficiently implementing South Africa's National Sport and Recreation Plan.
The perspectives offered by Michael Pedersen were widely appreciated. Paul Singh, Chief Director, Client Support, Liaison, Events & Facilities, Sport and Recreation South Africa said that "Michael Pedersen's contributions at SASReCon were invaluable in raising the bar in the area of improving governance standards and practices of National Federations. His methodology used in his workshop was innovative and refreshing, but importantly contributed to achieving his outcomes."