News: January 2017

UNESCO headquarters

MINEPS VIMichael Pedersen accepted an invitation to join two UNESCO expert working groups on sport integrity, contributing to the preparations for the Sixth International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI).

Bringing together sport ministers from all over the world, MINEPS VI is going to focus on the implementation of the Declaration of Berlin and its monitoring, adopted by MINEPS V, and the revised International Charter of Physical Education and Sport.

Paris meeting

The two UNESCO expert working groups, which Michael Pedersen have joined, are focused on protecting the integrity of sport and on developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for all. While the focus of the first working group includes doping, match-fixing, good governance and the fight against sport related violence, the focus of the second working group includes multi-stakeholder partnerships and governance as well as the fight against any form of discrimination in sport.

Most of the activities of the UNESCO expert working groups is taking place in a virtual collaboration space. However, Michael Pedersen also attended physical expert group meetings in Lausanne, Switzerland on 15 November 2016 and in Paris, France on 16 January 2017.

MINEPS VI will be held in Kazan, Russian Federation, from 5 to 7 July 2017. For further information about the Conference, see UNESCO’s Conference webpage.

Unesco headquarters